Philip Larkin Society Website

Philip Larkin Society

Philip Larkin Society Website

Website Design & Development


Since The Philip Larkin Society was founded in 1995, ten years after the poet’s death, it has become a national and international focus for lovers of his writings.

Its programme of events provides a forum for the discussion of all aspects of his work: as poet, novelist, jazz critic and librarian. Its lively, illustrated publication, About Larkin, mingles reviews and commentaries on the Society’s activities with articles of a more substantial literary nature.

Human redesigned the Larkin Society website, bringing all their resources and content together in one place. The Society was rebranded with a clean new look, bringing Larkin and his writing to a younger online audience. The websites responsive nature allows it to be user friendly on both mobile devices and desktop browsers. Being built around a content managed system (CMS), the sites content can easily be updated and added to by the societies members.


Also see IK Foundation, City Plan Hull and Sculpture Website for more examples of website design.